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It’s the families that help grow dressage and show jumping sports

DSC_6674I recently received a letter from an Arizona family thanking Brek-n-Ridge Farm  for supporting the Stepping Stones series of equestrian events in Northern Michigan. The letter was written by a grandfather of a young rider at Black Star Farms and he was writing to thank us for being involved as sponsors of the Stepping Stones series of shows.

What he may not have known was that Brek-n-Ridge Farm is not just a sponsor but an equestrian facility that actually trains these young riders to compete.

What I know is that we need more sponsors for equestrian sports that are not involved in bringing along the children. We want to show you – the sponsor – an outsider –  how powerful and important equestrian activities are to our youth and in general to our well being as human beings. The news today is filled with stories about animal assisted intervention and successful therapy of all involved. Being part of an equestrian lifestyle imparts  leadership, trust and discipline to each and every student and participant, qualities that are paramount in life.

It is without saying, however, that even before we recognize the sponsors and what we can do together with them in our communities,  it is the families of the children that WE need to thank. Thank you for your involvement, for cheering on your kids and recognizing that we are doing something so amazing with kids and horses. Thank you so much !

So once you take part in this amazing journey, at the end there is always a pot of gold!  For us it will be the YEAR END AWARD ceremonies, lots of prizes like horse shaped pastas, riding socks, rubber rain boots, bags of treats, fun kids type stuff, horse ornaments, horse jewelry and championship ribbons and more!